Joining the DPILab

One of the stated goals of this lab is to collaborate with undergraduate and graduate students and help train them to do rigorous social science research on topics they identify as socially important. Please get in touch if you’re interested or have questions!

Undergraduate students

We seek undergrads with a genuine interest in the issue of political inequality and the desire to engage in communication research. Students play a meaningful role in research projects, contributing both their time and ideas to answering the question at hand.

Involvement can include research activities such as reviewing literature, designing and testing experiments, coding content, analyzing existing data, managing laboratory studies, and helping to draft research summaries. We also try to make connections between the skills students learn in the lab and their own academic and career goals.

We ask for a minimum commitment of 5/hrs a week (2 RA credits) per quarter.

Graduate students

We seek grad students whose research interests are well-matched with the lab and who want to take a leading role in conducting research. This should be an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the literature, attain hands on experience with various methodologies, and get authorship on conference papers and journal articles.

Involvement can include, reviewing literature, designing and executing studies, leading undergraduate student teams, conducting quantitative analyses, and writing papers. While some projects will be initiated and led by faculty, this lab is also a space for nurturing graduate student-led work.

Doctoral students are strongly encouraged to take the lead on at least 1 research project per year.